The Last Flower Garden Update

Photo and Commentary ©2024 by Maylan Schurch Sabbath, July 27, 2024 Here’s my final flower garden update. In case you haven’t been following these blogs closely, I hasten to assure you this is not Shelley’s and my garden. It belongs to a neighbor four or five blocks...

Community Creatives

Photo and Commentary ©2024 by Maylan Schurch Friday, July 26, 2024 I always get a heart-lift when I see community bulletin boards. This one is on the wall of the commons dining area at Lake Forest Park Town Center. You can tell how popular this mall is by how many...


Photo and Commentary ©2024 by Russell Jurgensen Thursday, July 25, 2024 This is Wahkeena Falls, which is about a three fourths mile walk from Multnomah Falls in Oregon. Wahkeena is harder to reach because of the walk, but it is more enjoyable because people can get up...


Photo and Commentary ©2024 by Darren Milam Wednesday, July 24, 2024 This past week our Sabbath School class was studying in 1 Corinthians, specifically these verses: 12:12-14 “For as the body is one and has many members, but all the members of that one body, being...

California Scrub-Jay

Photo and Commentary ©2024 by Robert Howson Tuesday, July 23, 2024 Members of the jay family, along with those of the parrot family, are considered among the smartest of their class. We admire their ability to solve problems but recognize in our own character some of...

The Source

Photo and Commentary ©2024 by Cheryl Boardman Monday, July 22, 2024 Where would we be without water on this planet? We wouldn’t get very far, that’s for sure. I drove down a road that followed the Chiwawa River a few years ago. The Chiwawa River, located...