September 14, 2024
SECOND READING: Joice Mamesah, from Bellevue SDA Church to Boulder SDA Church (Boulder CO)
FALL FIRESIDE ROOM ART DISPLAY: Step into the Fireside Room the first two Sabbaths of September, October, and November for the Bellevue Church Fall Art Display. This month’s artist is Luke Doubravsky with a watercolor based on Matthew 24:14.
FAMILY MOVIE NIGHT: Tonight, the gates will open at 8 p.m. to Puget Sound Adventist Academy’s soccer field for an outdoor viewing of the movie “How to Train Your Dragon.” Donation for entry, concessions will be available. BYO lawn chair/blanket.
AUBURN ABC BOOKMOBILE: The Bookmobile from the Auburn Adventist Book Center will be here September 29, from 10:00-10:30 a.m. You may order online at or order by phone 253-833-6707.
WEDDING SHOWER: Save the date Sunday, September 29 at 11:00 a.m. for a wedding shower for Chelsea Jurgensen and Justin Curry.
SAGE 30th REUNION: Seniors in Action for God with Excellence (SAGE) is celebrating their 30th year with a reunion at Auburn Adventist Academy Cafeteria, Oct. 5th, from 3:00-7:00 p.m. Please RSVP by calling 360-625-9861.
KSDA School and Puget Sound Adventist Academy is looking to fill the following coaching positions starting this fall season:
- KSDA – Assistant Soccer Coach
- KSDA – D1 Volleyball Coaches
- PSAA – JV Coaches
If you are interested, have a referral, or would like more information, please contact our Athletic Director, Camden Armstrong at or call the main office at (425) 822-7554 and ask to speak with Coach A.
JUBILEE REACH VOLUNTEERS: “Jubilee REACH Saturday Market” is a food program for families in need at the Jubilee REACH Community Center. Volunteers are needed on the second and third Sabbaths of each month to run the market and build relationships with the families and show them the love of Jesus. To volunteer, please complete the signup sheet in the foyer of the church or contact Susan Milam or Annicia Gayle-Geddes.
Announcements: Maylan Schurch
Prelude and Introit: Jane Ye
Call to Worship: Music on screen
Invocation: Maylan Schurch
Strength 4 the Week: Joe Winn
Offering: “GC: World Budget” – Daniel Muñoz
Offertory: Jane Ye
Praise Team: Susan Milam and Friends
Celebrations and Concerns/Prayer: Daniel Muñoz
Children’s Corner: Jing Pecht
Special Music: Hilary Eldridge
“Notes from Ninety: A conversation with Marion Burtt”
Closing Song: “It Took a Miracle” #111
Postlude: Jane Ye