July 27, 2024

KELSEY CREEK POTLUCK TODAY! Greetings from your friendly Growing Together Committee! You are invited to join your church family for a potluck picnic gathering at Kelsey Creek after church today.

NEW CHURCH ROSTER: Pick up a new roster at the greeter’s desk.

POTLUCK NEXT WEEK: We will have regular potluck in the Fellowship Hall next Sabbath, August 3.

YOUTH SABBATH: Blessings Mwansa will be the guest speaker for Youth Sabbath on August 17.

PICNIC AT THE PECHTS: The Growing Together Cohort invites you to a picnic potluck at the home of Brendan and Jing Pecht on August 17, following the church service.

UPCOMMING SEMINAR: Albert Handal, campus chaplain at Walla Walla University (highly respected by our current students and recent graduates), will be our next seminar speaker, September 7. He will speak during the Sabbath School feature time, the 11 a.m. sermon, and will present an afternoon session as well.

CAN YOU HELP? Kirkland SDA School and Puget Sound Adventist Academy are looking to fill the following positions starting in August 2024. For more information or if you are interested, please contact Jodi Griffin at jgriffin@ksdaschool.org.

  • KSDA Teacher’s Aide/After School Care Supervisor – Part-Time 27 hrs/week
  • KSDA & PSAA Substitute Teachers – As Needed
  • KSDA & PSAA Sports Team Coaches
  • Volunteer Hot Lunch Workers
  • Volunteer Landscape/Grounds Support

SUNSET LAKE SCHOLARSHIP! Are your finances a bit tight, but you’d like to send your child to Sunset Lake Camp? Our Children’s Offering is growing a fund to provide a bit of help! Contact the pastor by email or phone (contact info on back of bulletin).

JUBILEE REACH VOLUNTEERS: “Jubilee REACH Saturday Market” is a food program for families in need at the Jubilee REACH Community Center. Volunteers are needed on the second and third Sabbaths of each month to run the market and build relationships with the families and show them the love of Jesus. To volunteer, please complete the signup sheet in the foyer of the church or contact Susan Milam or Annicia Gayle-Geddes.


Announcements: Maylan Schurch

Prelude and Introit: Carolyn Howson

Call to Worship: Music on screen

Invocation: Maylan Schurch

Strength 4 the Week: Davis Nordby

Offering: “Local Church Ministries” – Miguel Flores

Offertory: Carolyn Howson

Praise Team: Sarah Roberto and Friends

Scripture: Psalm 34:1-7, Cynthia Awuor

Celebrations and Concerns/Prayer: Miguel Flores

Children’s Corner: Miguel Velasco

Special Music: Children’s Sabbath School Classes

Sermon: “David’s Favorite Fear-faders”, Maylan Schurch

Closing Song: “Give to the Winds Your Fears”

Postlude: Carolyn Howson