Daily Photo Parable

He Is Risen

Photo and Commentary ©2025 by Maylan Schurch
Sabbath, March 29, 2025

Like my yesterday’s blog about the God-centered sign on the back of the work truck, this scene, which I saw earlier this week, was hugely heartwarming. I mean, consider this: Easter isn’t until Sunday, April 20, but this household had decided to advertise the  holiday’s main message an entire month in advance.

Want to get a preview of what the Bible says about this glorious truth? Click the link just below.

No Doubt About It

Photo and Commentary ©2025 by Maylan Schurch
Friday, March 28, 2025

This past Monday at a traffic light I pulled up behind the truck you see in the photo. I’ve cropped out the company name below, as well as contact information, but it’s a truck that carries supplies to construction projects.

Whoever owns this business, or whoever gave permission to letter the back of this truck, obviously believes in God. And not only that, he or she insists that any work which is worth doing – including what this truck will assist in – is worth turning over to the Lord for His blessing.

This means that any construction site to which this truck backs up to unload its supplies, plus any nearby construction workers, plus anyone following it on the highway as I was, is able to read this message, posted by someone who lives in the real world, but who also claims to answer to the world beyond.

Makes you think, right? Me too. And what it also makes me is homesick for the God whose Son was a carpenter, and who has given many promises of assistance to those who make Him and His mission top priority.

Want to review, renew or enhance your connection to the Creator? A good place to start is to look at some of what the Bible itself says about Him. You can do this at the link just below:


Snap Circuits

Photo and Commentary ©2025 by Russell Jurgensen
Thursday, March 27, 2025

In this image of an educational Snap Circuits kit, a small electronic circuit performs the simple function of shining a light bulb.

I think everyone knows that a light bulb can only light up when a complete circuit is formed from the battery, through a switch to the bulb, and finally back to the battery.

Electronics provide us with another interesting property related to current. If you pick any point on a wire on an electric circuit, the sum of currents going into the point and going out of the point all add up to zero. This even works when there are many wires going to the same point.

Oddly in real life, God doesn’t measure all the good things and the bad things a person does to make sure it comes out to zero, or hopefully positive. God looks at the heart. When a person repents and asks for forgiveness, God makes it so a person is totally forgiven.

Our lives can be so complicated we don’t know what is coming or going. But God makes it easy when we truly repent and walk humbly with him.


Photo and Commentary ©2025 by Darren Milam
Wednesday, March 26, 2025

Over the past few weeks, we’ve experienced a variety of weather – snow, rain, sunshine, temperatures well below freezing – quite the diversity. Over the past 24 hours, it’s been just as interesting, with bouts of hail, lighting, and thunder, as well as torrential downpouring. In fact, the result of that small storm was downed trees and power losses in our local area.

If you have studied the accompanying image, you will see that this is not a pond or a small lake, but instead it is a spot in our backyard. The specific spot may be a tiny bit lower than any other of our yard, but not by much. For reference, this “water oasis” is about 4 feet by 3 feet, and at its lowest point, about 3 inches deep. I would call that an abundance of water. Keep in mind, this accumulated in less than 24 hours.

I certainly know this small puddle in my backyard is not a concern, especially compared to other parts of the world, with real weather concerns. In fact, I can look at this accumulation as a positive, a collection of water for the grass to grow better, or a spot for little birds to take a much-needed bath – it’s all about perspective. To take it one step further, I can reflect on how God gives us, exactly what we need, and in some cases – in abundance. The following verse mentions abundance was promised figuratively (and literally) to the chosen people of Israel.

Deuteronomy 28:12 (NIV):

The Lord will open the heavens, the storehouse of his bounty, to send rain on your land in season and to bless all the work of your hands. You will lend to many nations but will borrow from none.

What can we learn from this? For starters, we know God is all-powerful. Check. We know He is abundant in His giving – with all we need, including rain. Check. And, most importantly, we serve a loving God. Check. So, the next time I see a collection of water, I won’t be focusing on the water molecules, but instead focusing and reflecting on how good our God is. Amen.

Pussy Willow

Photo and Commentary ©2025 by Robert Howson
Tuesday, March 25, 2025

Charles Dickens, writing in Great Expectations, perfectly described a day that fits this season. “It was one of those March days when the sun shines hot and the wind blows cold; when it is summer in the light, and winter in the shade.” It’s an annual tug of war between winter and spring with each season doing their best to lengthen their domain. It’s also the month that pussy willows grace our area with the promise of warmer days to come. Late winter and early spring find a variety of willow species showing off their male catkins long before any sign of leaves appear on their bare branches.

Other times of the year these trees are generally known by their ordinary names, but most of us can’t withstand the temptation and call them pussy willows since the soft, gray texture of those catkins is reminiscent of tiny cats or kittens. Soon that gray will be replaced by a golden color of the millions of grains of pollen that will fertilize the small flowers on the female catkins. It’s so predictable you can set your clock by it.

As happened so often, the Pharisees and Sadducees came to Jesus and demanded a sign, to which He replied: “You are good at reading the weather signs of the skies—red sky tonight means fair weather tomorrow; red sky in the morning means foul weather all day—but you can’t read the obvious signs of the times!” (Matthew 16:2-3 Living Bible) Hopefully we’re not so blind as they were, able to tell when spring is ready to arrive by the willows, but without a clue as to the spiritual indicators He offers us.

Are You Tired?

Photo and Commentary ©2025 by Cheryl Boardman
Monday, March 24, 2025

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), 1/3 of American adults report not getting enough sleep. Lack of sleep can actually contribute to health conditions, cause trouble concentrating and can strain our relationships and general functionality.

We can become tired due to physical exertion and we can also become tired from mental fatigue. Some people have trouble sleeping because they keep thinking about all of the things that need to be done or worry about things that are beyond their control.

I found this bench in a quiet place in a park. There was a terrific view from there but you were out of the way of people passing by. It was a great place to just sit and relax.

I like the fact that a rest day was built into the creation week. It emphasizes the importance of taking a break from our everyday life. Jesus said:

“Come to me, all of you who are tired and have heavy loads, and I will give you rest. Accept my teachings and learn from me, because I am gentle and humble in spirit, and you will find rest for your lives.
Matthew 11:28-29 (NCV)

Almost Heaven

Photo and Commentary ©2025 by Shelley Schurch
Sunday, March 23, 2025

I paid my modest entrance fee, walked through the doors, and was immediately overwhelmed. I also surprised myself by starting to cry. But it was, as they say, all good.

Only two days before I’d heard a brief mention on the radio about a quilt show at the Evergreen State Fairgrounds in Monroe, Washington. I couldn’t get it out of my mind, so Sunday afternoon found me in the midst of over 400 quilts.

I don’t consider myself a quilter; I did a bit of mild quilting a few decades ago, with considerable help. But I love fabric and color and design – and quite a few quilters.

I thought of my sister who died last June. I knew how she would approach this show. She would begin at the beginning and view every quilt, and read every accompanying description. I thought of my other sister, living across the continent from me, and how I wished she could be by my side this day. I thought of long-time cherished friends and expert quilters Carrol and Marilyn, and how they would have thoroughly enjoyed the show. I thought of my sweet mother-in-law who, after her husband’s death, found comfort in sewing quilt tops for each of her seven grandchildren.

Mourning the absence of family and friends while overwhelmed with the beauty surrounding me, I could understand why tears mingled with my smiles.

For over two hours I walked among the quilts, soaking in their beauty. The tears eventually trickled away, but my smile remained. I felt I was in God’s presence. I felt I was tasting heaven, and it was a feast. So much joy from a bunch of fabric? Why did it seem both happy and holy?

I don’t necessarily understand it all, but I do have a few ideas: I was immersed in a generous display of color, pattern, design, humor, patience, and creativity. Sounds like God to me!

And all the people I met that day were full of smiles and kindness. I talked with a quilt guild member who told me that many of their members were involved in community service projects, such as creating quilts for preemie babies, and people in hospice centers.

After I returned home I explored the guild’s website, quiltersanonymous.org, and discovered that last year members had delivered 793 quilts to premature babies in neonatal intensive care units in five local area hospitals, 241 quilts to nursing home residents, and 82 quilts to Evergreen Hospice patients, along with other charity projects.

Thinking of the time and resources and love invested in these quilt gifts, I sensed the heart at the core of this quilt show. It wasn’t about competition and awards, but sharing and service. One guild member encouraged me to become a member, but I told her I was “not really a quilter.” She said that didn’t matter. I felt welcomed, even though holding no credentials to prove my worth.

I wondered if I should join the guild, just to be part of something so full of heart and beauty. And then it hit me: that’s my picture of church. I’m a happy member of a denomination with churches, schools, hospitals, orphanages, and other institutions around the world. But it’s my joy to live and love locally, in a church that shares and serves, because we love and follow Jesus.

Who knows? Someday I might pick up needle and thread and try quilting again, or join a quilters’ guild – or be content serving in and through a church that tries to reflect the love of our Creator God, Maker of all that is beautiful, good, and true.

Careful to check in advance that it was OK to photograph the quilts, I blissfully took more than 100 photos last Sunday. A bit unsure of the ethics of sharing one of those photos here, I decided to do something even better: the photo you see at the beginning of this post is of a quilt I cherish because my sister made it for me.

Blog Archives

He Is Risen

Photo and Commentary ©2025 by Maylan Schurch Sabbath, March 29, 2025 Like my yesterday’s blog about the God-centered sign on the back of the work truck, this scene, which I saw earlier this week, was hugely heartwarming. I mean, consider this: Easter isn’t until...

No Doubt About It

Photo and Commentary ©2025 by Maylan Schurch Friday, March 28, 2025 This past Monday at a traffic light I pulled up behind the truck you see in the photo. I’ve cropped out the company name below, as well as contact information, but it’s a truck that carries supplies...

Snap Circuits

Photo and Commentary ©2025 by Russell Jurgensen Thursday, March 27, 2025 In this image of an educational Snap Circuits kit, a small electronic circuit performs the simple function of shining a light bulb. I think everyone knows that a light bulb can only light up when...


Photo and Commentary ©2025 by Darren Milam Wednesday, March 26, 2025 Over the past few weeks, we’ve experienced a variety of weather – snow, rain, sunshine, temperatures well below freezing – quite the diversity. Over the past 24 hours, it’s been just as interesting,...

Pussy Willow

Photo and Commentary ©2025 by Robert Howson Tuesday, March 25, 2025 Charles Dickens, writing in Great Expectations, perfectly described a day that fits this season. “It was one of those March days when the sun shines hot and the wind blows cold; when it is summer in...

Are You Tired?

Photo and Commentary ©2025 by Cheryl Boardman Monday, March 24, 2025 According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), 1/3 of American adults report not getting enough sleep. Lack of sleep can actually contribute to health conditions, cause trouble...

Almost Heaven

Photo and Commentary ©2025 by Shelley Schurch Sunday, March 23, 2025 I paid my modest entrance fee, walked through the doors, and was immediately overwhelmed. I also surprised myself by starting to cry. But it was, as they say, all good. Only two days before I’d heard...


Photo and Commentary ©2025 by Maylan Schurch Sabbath, March 22, 2025 Back in mid-January Shelley and I were at a large craft store when I spotted these cases of knobs. From their size, it looks as though they’re designed for cabinet-doors, and they have one purpose –...


Photo and Commentary ©2025 by Maylan Schurch Friday, March 21, 2025 A little after 8:30 one morning in late February, I stepped out on our front porch and immediately heard an incredibly loud metallic banging, like someone firing a machine gun. Since machine guns are...


Photo and Commentary ©2025 by Russell Jurgensen Thursday, March 20, 2025 While cleaning up some wood piles, I found this mushroom tucked away inside a maple wood round. It made me think of shelter, so I did some searching in the Bible and found this verse. For in the...