Photo and Commentary ©2025 by Maylan Schurch
Friday, January 10, 2025
More and more businesses, like the medical clinic where I saw the above scene on Thursday, have decided to help patrons easily recycle parts of their products which otherwise might end up in a landfill.
However, for years, the recycling options were limited to just the three boxy containers in the photo above. I don’t know about you, but I am not conversant enough with recycling to know – for example – where exactly a sandwich wrapper would go. Or the wrapper of a candy bar or some potato chips. Or what about Styrofoam? Often, I’ve noticed that the confused consumer simply guesses.
But Thursday I noticed that, for the first time, a “catch-all” or “miscellaneous” option has been added – in the form of the humble trash basket on the right. (More and more businesses are simply calling the fourth bin “Trash.” Now discarding is easier!
If the recycling label-deciders had spent a bit more thoughtful time, maybe by doing a study of the trash people actually throw away, they might have added that fourth category here. At any rate, a little more applied wisdom might have moved the project more toward total inclusivity.
As we barge ahead into 2025, wisdom is certainly what we need. And at its root, real wisdom comes from the One who created us. Check out the Bible advice at the link just below: