Photo and Commentary ©2024 by Shelley Schurch
Sunday, February 11, 2024

I believe this product is from that popular category, “As Seen on TV.” We have no TV, but we were still able to ponder this product because it was “as seen in our local drug store.”

It stopped me in my pursuit of items on my shopping list because of its name, which I first read as “Angle View,” and wondered what angle they were talking about. I was even more intrigued when I realized it was “Angel View.”

This rearview mirror promises a wider, safer view of the road, reducing blind spots, delivering a 160° view behind you.

When I got home I researched the product online, not so much interested in the mirror itself as in its name. I thought it would be fun to see how the advertising tied it in with an angel’s view. But when I read all about it online, there was no mention of angels, other than in the mirror’s name.

I was disappointed, but that didn’t stop me from musing about angels and their views. I’ve always thought of them as having a 360° view of us, shielding us round about. From what I read in Scripture, they seem to view serving God as their highest privilege, even when it comes to caring for us fumbling creatures on this sin-saturated planet.

I believe I have a guardian angel. I’ve often wondered what he thinks of me, and his assignment of watching over me. Does he sometimes long for a more promising person to care for?

I’m sure we have much to learn and unlearn about angels. I wonder if they roll their eyes at how they’ve been portrayed in art through the centuries – how we’ve viewed them. I doubt they are chubby little cherubs or beautiful, wispy creatures wearing floral wreath halos. We should brace for some surprises when we finally view them – and the rest of heaven.

Like the cars who do not have the product in my photo above, we all have limited view. I remember author Madeline L’Engle’s reminder that “I have a point of view. You have a point of view. God has view.”

I find that immensely comforting. There is too much in this world that troubles and perplexes me. Many years ago I latched on to the phrase, “the truth of the Invisible.” To know that the One who is all-seeing and all-knowing is also an all-loving Redeemer who cares beyond our comprehension for each of us is enough. I may have limited vision and understanding, but this is enough to let me sleep tonight, trusting Him in all things.