Photo and Commentary ©2024 by Maylan Schurch
Sabbath, March 16, 2024

Almost two years ago I posted a Daily Photo Parable blog called “Trinity Tree.” I included a photo of the tree you see above, and I pointed out how the single trunk has split into three smaller ones. I suggested that even though the Bible’s Trinity doctrine (that God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit are all equally God) can’t be easily or simply explained using parables, we know Scripture says it’s true.

Scene change. It’s Tuesday of this week. I’m taking a brisk post-breakfast walk, and it suddenly starts to rain on me, and this downpour is also accompanied by BB-size hail. I was getting soaked!

Suddenly I remembered that I was only half a block away from the Trinity tree! I hurried over, ducked under it, and was immediately sheltered from the storm. (Since this proved to be no mere passing shower, I phoned Shelley to come and get me, and she chauffeured me back to our cozy home. And later that day I drove over and took the above photo.)

The Bible teachings about the Trinity are very clear—the divine trio exist not merely as a doctrine to be studied. Each of the Three is deeply involved in sheltering us from the effects of sin. Take a few minutes to study the Bible texts at the following four links to discover what I mean: