Photo ©2024 by Amber Jurgensen
Commentary ©2024 by Russell Jurgensen
Thursday, July 18, 2024

The freeway heading to Spokane is very straight in a few areas. As I was driving with both hands on the wheel, I was surprised when a large urgent message popped up on the dashboard, “STEERING REQUIRED” accompanied by a steering wheel shake! Dash messages do occasionally pop up, but over several years’ time of owning this vehicle, I had never seen this message. Making it more amusing was the straight road ahead, of which my wife took the accompanying picture. There actually wasn’t much steering required and definitely no emergency. Evidently, I hadn’t needed to make any steering adjustments for a while and the car felt a need to remind me to drive. I imagine that would be a good reminder for someone who is falling asleep or distracted.

Maybe in our spiritual lives we sometimes let things follow the easy course and do not really make conscious effort to guide it. Or when the way is not so straight, we might be just navigating the terrain and not thinking about the general direction. It could be a good idea for a message to pop up reminding us to be proactive in setting our direction.

I hope your spiritual road can be straight whenever possible. Let’s remember to steer in those times too.