Photo and Commentary ©2024 by Maylan Schurch
Sabbath, August 24, 2024

Thursday in a Federal Way parking lot I noticed this imposing white pickup (whose license plate I have blotted out for privacy’s sake). At first glance its size impressed and even intimidated me a bit. After all, huge vehicles like this are sometimes adorned with bumper stickers which are vulgar and even profane, or in-your-face taunts of alternative truck brands.

I didn’t stroll around to see if this beast’s rear bumper sported such stickers, mainly because of the benign and emphatically unmistakable message lettered on the front: “Stay Humble and Kind.” These words themselves were even chosen with kindness. Notice that it doesn’t say Become Humble and Kind, but Stay that way. It gave the viewer (me) the benefit of the doubt, and generously assumed that I was already good-hearted.

Nowadays it seems that people are too scared to be kind, too fearful to let their front “grills” portray humility and graciousness up front, first thing. But the Bible insists that we need to partake of this truck-owner’s spirit. You’ll find three Bible texts that remind you of this, if you click this link: