Photo and Commentary ©2024 by Russell Jurgensen
Thursday, March 21, 2024

With a rare string of blue-sky days, this Tulip Tree seems to be reaching for the sky.

It made me think about the things we reach for. In the United States Declaration of Independence, one of the rights includes the phrase, “the pursuit of happiness.” So, happiness is one of the things we reach for. More specifically, some other good things we might reach for are knowledge, health, and belonging. Some other things that could be bad when in excess are money, control, and fame.

From Matthew 5, some things that Jesus wants us to reach for include meekness, purity, peace, and mercy. We could think of other positive things to reach for including bravery, thoughtfulness, determination, and cheerfulness. If we think really hard, we might consider how reaching for love might encompass all these things.

Let’s reach for the sky as we learn how love makes us stronger and draws us closer to God.