Photo and Commentary ©2023 by Maylan Schurch
Sabbath, April 22, 2023

I saw this cute juxtaposition three weeks ago while pausing at a stoplight. It was a drizzly day, and I had my windshield wipers operating, but on the vehicle in front of me I saw a cheerful round sticker which says “Radiate Positivity.”

I grinned. A nice reminder to see in spite of a gloppy, sloppy day. In fact, I had to take a couple of photos to make sure that my busy windshield wiper shaft didn’t get in the way of the message.

This coming Sabbath I’m beginning a new sermon series, called “Encouraging Chapters.” I’m going through the Bible looking for stories or psalms or any other type of literature which does what this sticker does—throws out the valiant challenge to hunt for the good no matter how tangled the situation is.

The Bible is full of such statements—not mindless, head-in-the-sand “positive thinking” mantras, but realistic encouragement. To see a sample, click the link just below.