Photo and Commentary ©2023 by Maylan Schurch
Sabbath, April 8, 2023

This past Tuesday I pulled up at a stop light behind a car bearing this little metal logo. Later, a quick internet search showed me that while the phrase “pure drive” doesn’t seem to be trademarked (it’s also used to describe a feature of a tennis racquet, for example), it seems to have been adopted by Nissan. “Pure Drive,” said a authoritative website, “is the name Nissan uses for their vehicles that feature internal combustion engines with reduced CO2 emissions.”

The Bible very clearly calls for you and me to have a pure spiritual drive within us. Here’s a link with several texts about purity, how God defines it, and why it’s so vital. IMPORTANT! Read the “purity” texts first, but then go directly to the “holiness” link, which will show you how purity can be found.