Photo and Commentary ©2025 by Darren Milam
Wednesday, January 29, 2025
Just recently, I was flying back from a quick trip to Utah, the Beehive State. On the return flight, I had the chance to see this view out my (very dirty) window. For those who live in the area, you’ll easily recognize Mt. Rainier, which stands at just over 14,000 feet. If you ever get the chance to see the mountain, whether up close or from high above, take it.
As I gazed out the window (the very dirty one), I started thinking about the flood and how God covered the entire planet with water. Let me repeat that – the entire planet…..covered by water. That’s a lot of water. Just think, Mt. Rainier isn’t even the tallest mountain, and it needed 14,000 feet of water to cover it. When we look at other parts of the world, we see hundreds of mountains that are taller, with Mt. Everest being the tallest at over 29,000 feet. That’s like stacking two Mt. Rainiers on top of each other. That’s a lot of water. In fact, the water from the flood not only covered the tops of the mountains but also rose an additional 15 cubits (23 feet)!
Genesis 7:19-21
They rose greatly on the earth, and all the high mountains under the entire heavens were covered. The waters rose and covered the mountains to a depth of more than fifteen cubits. Every living thing that moved on land perished—birds, livestock, wild animals, all the creatures that swarm over the earth, and all mankind.
When I think of the volume of water needed to cover mountains that are 5.5 miles high, plus an additional 23 feet (presumably to ensure the ark wouldn’t run aground), it’s incredibly impressive. It’s incredibly powerful. That’s the God we serve. He is both incredibly impressive and powerful. If He can cover the globe with all that water, what can He do for you? You are just a prayer away from finding out. Go ask.