Photo and Commentary ©2025 by Maylan Schurch
Sabbath, February 22, 2025

Towering above the parking lot of a 7-Eleven gas station I patronize is this huge power pole. Its base is almost three feet in diameter, and is circled by eight metal pipes of the type which protects the station’s gas pumps from being struck by erratically-driven cars. I imagine that it would take nothing short of a military tank to ram through those pipes and damage that base.

Earlier this month I snapped these photos, and as I did so I decided that those protective pipes are something like the Ten Commandments. Any one of those commandments, if broken, causes damage to the spiritual life. Worshiping and carving other gods, defaming God’s name, and ignoring the Sabbath He gave us can’t be good. Dishonoring our parents, harboring murder or adultery or thievery or lying in our hearts, plus coveting, deadens our consciences so that the Holy Spirit can’t communicate as powerfully.

This might be a time to take a Bible refresher course on how the Ten can transmit God’s power to us. Check it out at the link just below: