Photo and Commentary ©2023 by Robert Howson
Tuesday, December 26, 2023

It’s more than considerably likely this second picture of the Northern Pintail will have more relevance for the drinking crowd that will be toasting “Bottoms up” a few evenings from now as they bring in the New Year, but that shouldn’t keep the rest of us from looking forward to closing out the old year in good fashion. There’s another reason we can derive from the pintail that gives us a head start over those who may have a hangover New Year’s Day. This attractive duck is what is classified as a dabbler, one which feeds on the surface rather than diving for its dinner. This works fine for the duck, but for those of us who are looking forward to putting a good spin on the next 365 days, it’s wise to have our heads out of the water and looking forward with a clear plan for the future.

That idea of a clear plan may frighten some of us. With so many unknowns, with so many curves around the road, how can we be expected to make plans when unforeseen circumstances may arise? Still, while you may not have all the GPS directions written out in detail, you still know which way you are wanting to head. You’re not like the couple we met at a rest stop many years ago while driving across the country. It was probably 3 o’clock in the morning and we had stopped for a stretch. A conversation was struck up with another couple and when asked where they were heading they responded, “New York”. They were on the right road but had been going the wrong direction for the past 1000 miles!

Part of the Wisdom Literature of Scripture provides us with a sound game plan on how we can successfully reach our objectives. It too doesn’t deal with specifics, but instead points us in the right general direction. “Commit to the Lord whatever you do, and he will establish your plans.” (Proverbs 16:3 NIV) The verse doesn’t come right out and say it, but if followed, it pretty well guarantees you won’t have to be filled with regrets at some rest stop in the middle of the night.