Photo and Commentary ©2024 by Darren Milam
Wednesday, May 29, 2024

We recently purchased a few flagstone stepping stones for our garden area. When I say a “few,” I mean 4,000 pounds of rocks. As you can see, there are several of them. After purchasing and bringing them home, we unloaded each stone, by hand (usually one at a time, given their weight), from the truck and onto these piles you see pictured. The work of laying them out into the pathways we are hoping for, will be the next step. Moving that many rocks, a couple different times can be tiring, but the result should be worth it (I hope).

God is known throughout the Bible (several verses), as the Rock. When you think of that name for Him, we think of an unmovable object, – always constant. I think we can all agree to that description of our Father.

Deuteronomy 32:4 – He is the Rock, His works are perfect, and all His ways are just. A faithful God who does no wrong, upright, and just is He.

When you think of something that isn’t going to move, wobble or falter – a big ROCK comes to mind. Think of that from a life’s perspective, when you need something to cling to, something that will keep you from stumbling, wavering, teetering – you need something that will keep you steady. What better option is the Rock? (hint – there is none)

When I start the process of laying down those flagstone rocks, for our walking path, there is a good chance some may not be as steady as others. Maybe the soil is softer under one of them, or there is a bit of an incline. In the end, they may look good, but certainly won’t be perfect.

If we are looking for perfection, we shouldn’t be looking at these stepping stones but instead, we should be reaching for the true ROCK – our Creator. He is the only Rock we need and the one we can count on, all the time. Thank you God!