Photo and Commentary ©2023 by Maylan Schurch
Friday, July 28, 2023

This year’s Washington Conference camp meeting featured a used book sale, and as I was shuffling reverently among the ancient volumes, I noticed some boxes of newer material as well.

I saw “LOL” scrawled on the side of a box, and drew closer to see what the “laugh out loud” joke was. Then I noticed what was inside.

“Lessons on Love.” Obviously a magazine about God’s love for us. But is that a laughing matter? It depends.

Have you ever laughed for joy? Maybe someone gave you a gift, and it was so absolutely perfect, that maybe you couldn’t contain a delighted giggle. Or let’s say you meet someone you would love to have as a life partner, and that person is willing. How do you express your joy? Incredulous laughter might be one way.

This past Sabbath I preached a sermon on First Corinthians 13, the Bible’s famous “love chapter”—a delightful lesson on love. To hear that sermon, click the link just below this paragraph. Watch the whole service, or scroll along the bottom to where you see a man in a black suit (me) behind the pulpit.

And to learn even more about what the Bible says about love, click the following link.