Photo and Commentary ©2024 by Maylan Schurch
Friday, September 6, 2024

Shelley and I had a wonderful holiday weekend, partly because a used-book store chain was giving a discount to anyone shopping during the Labor Day holiday. Prudently, and as completely as possible, we took advantage of this.

One of the areas I visit in any bookstore is the Religion section. I always look at the used Bibles. Sure enough, Monday I spotted this small Bible, still in its case. From its yellow tag’s price (pretty stiff for a used Bible), from its listed features (which includes its manufacture from calfskin), and from other evidences, I could tell that this was a well-made Bible.

But what caught my attention right away was the beautifully scripted “Lifetime Guarantee.” I thought, Sure enough. That’s what any Bible—carefully and prayerfully studied—will definitely provide.

When’s the last time you opened your Bible? Recently, I hope, and regularly. If you’d like a review of the astounding claims the Bible makes for itself, click the link just below: