Photo and Commentary (c)2023 by Darren Milam
Wednesday, October 18, 2023

I recently attended a virtual conference where a former Prime Minister of New Zealand, Jacinda Arden, spoke about leadership. In her speech she mentioned, on a couple different occasions, the idea of being kind. She referenced the act as a strength versus a weakness. She mentioned as she came into politics and ultimately the PM role, she was convinced she would have to change and become thick-skinned and even cold hearted. She decided against this notion and, instead she kept true to herself and stayed — sensitive, open, honest, and kind. She was successful in her role and brought the country through some very difficult times. I don’t claim to know all her standings on laws or situations. I’m using her as an example of some in power who are willing to be kind to others, and I feel the world needs more of that.

Paul, in the book of Ephesians, discussed this very concept. Let’s read his words, chapter 4, verse 32:

Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.

This particular verse is part of a larger instruction to the congregation of the church of Ephesus. Clearly there were challenges in the church and Paul wanted to bring them back to the true nature they should have in our heart, as believers – compassion, kindness, forgiveness.

I believe the phrase “Be Kind” is more than a bumper sticker or part of a poster you see in a school hallway. I believe it’s far bigger. It can literally be the one thing you and I can do, to have someone ask about our beliefs and what we stand for. Just think, if we are kind to someone that isn’t normally on the receiving end of such a gesture, what will they think? How will they react? What if they start believing they are worthy of that type of interaction? What if they ask you, why were you kind to them? Are you prepared to answer? I believe you are. God just opened a door for you. An opportunity to connect with that individual and share His story with them. So, this coming week/month/year – show that kindness and see what happens.

This image is of the announcement board outside of the elementary school we live next to. I know there are other announcements that will need to be on the board, but I wish they could leave this one up for a long time.