Photo and Commentary ©2024 by Maylan Schurch
Sabbath, May 25, 2024

Not far from where Shelley and I live, I noticed this pleasant garden scene—two chairs facing each other across a small table, backed by beautiful pink flowers. I can picture a couple of friends settling down there and having a leisurely, warm-hearted afternoon chat.

In real life, I’ve never ever seen anyone sitting on those chairs. This yard (which isn’t actually a garden) is owned by a busy family who own a restaurant in Tukwila not far from the Southcenter Mall. I rarely see any of the family at all.

But don’t those chairs just beckon you, away from schedules and deadlines and uncertainty, back to a bountiful Garden free of the need to scratch and tug daily nourishment out of the dirt?

Maybe it’s appropriate that I show you this scene on the Sabbath day itself, the day invented by a decidedly non-“driven” God, who set the example for us by resting on it.

Want an achingly beautiful review of God’s eventual plans for those of us who’d love to be in His presence? Check out the verses at the link just below: