Photo ©2024 by Chelsea Jurgensen
Commentary ©2024 by Russell Jurgensen
Thursday and Friday, August 22 and 23, 2024

When I first saw this dragonfly it looked like the wings were made of little flags. But on closer inspection the flags are just the brown markings, and the rest of the wing is nearly translucent.

Dragonflies are helpful in reducing the fly and mosquito populations, so they are welcome around horses. One time when Chelsea was working in the horse field, a horse walked over to her without being called. Chelsea thought it wanted a treat, but instead the horse turned its side to her revealing a horse fly. It was just out of reach of the horse’s tail. When Chelsea saw the large fly, she gave it a good swat. The fly got away, but the horse seemed to be grateful for the support.

Here is a verse about being helpful.

Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen.
Ephesians 4:29

It is interesting how thoughtful speech can be helpful, and it would make sense that unthoughtful words can have the opposite effect. Just like a dragonfly is helpful around horses, let’s put thought into our words to be helpful.