Photo and Commentary ©2023 by Darren Milam
Wednesday, September 13, 2023

Do you ever feel like you are overwhelmed, like you’ve just taken on too much? I know I have, and it’s easy to do. There are times when we feel like we should/can continue to pile on more activities, or more responsibilities. In some ways, our human nature (on this sinful planet) pushes us to do more – on our own. It can be viewed as a sign of weakness to ask for help. If that’s the case, doing it all ourselves “feels” like it’s the correct thing to do. In fact, it is not.

Take this pelican for example. I took these pictures a few years back on the Santa Monica pier, in southern California. This guy was determined to swallow this fish. For whatever reason, the fish was not cooperating. For several minutes, he struggled to get his lunch down the hatch. As I snapped the images, I felt like I should go over and help him out, but I knew if I were to get too close, the assumption would be made that I was after his prized morsel. Instead, he continued to struggle. “I’ll do it myself!” I could almost hear him say.

Do we ever do that? Do we get stuck in our ways, not willing to ask for assistance? As fellow believers, we know asking God and “letting go” are some of the best decisions we can make. We may not always start with those decisions, but we certainly should end up there. I’ll speak from experience – it can be difficult at times, as it can be a humbling experience.,

From scripture we can find a reason to ensure we are asking for that needed help.

James 1: 17 and 18 (NKJV)

“Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and comes down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow of turning. Of His own will He brought us forth by the word of truth, that we might be a kind of firstfruits of His creatures.”

If the good and perfect gifts/outcomes come from God, what are we producing without that assistance? If asking for help provides the right outcome, we can’t go wrong.

Back to our friend on the Santa Monica pier – he may not have had the ability to think, or vocalize, a cry for help. He may not have the mental capacity to see that as an option. However, we do. We were given a brain large enough to process what the correct path is. We were given the ability to speak and ask for what is needed. Most of all, we were given the privilege to have a direct connection with our Creator. We have no excuse. We may not be attempting to swallow a whole fish, but we know when we are trying to do everything on our own. Take the time to ask God for the help He wants to provide.