Photo and Commentary ©2024 by Darren Milam
Wednesday, September 11, 2024

When you look at the calendar, it says 11 more days of summer, at least in the Pacific Northwest. Unfortunately, we haven’t had the sunniest of summers this year, but we’ve had moments of heat and sunshine. As you can see in this image, the cucumbers and zucchinis would not be deterred by the lack of constant sun and heat – they produced more than we could possibly consume. The beauty in the “over production” was the ability to share with others – many others. The chance to share with others what God has provided, is a wonderful feeling. It truly puts real meaning to Paul’s words in Acts 20:35:

“In everything I did, I showed you that by this kind of hard work we must help the weak, remembering the words the Lord Jesus himself said: ‘It is more blessed to give than receive.’”

I’m sure we’ve all been on the receiving end of something. Someone gave you a gift, did a good deed, or was there to give you advice. We’ve also been on the giving end of situations, sharing a meal, donating to a good cause, or helping someone in need. The feeling you gain in both scenarios can be positive. I clearly remember, as a child, that receiving a present on a special occasion far outweighed my excitement than when I was asked to donate some older toys for those that didn’t have as much. Fast forward to my “more seasoned” age, I now feel so much more joy in the giving act. Part of that change is years I’ve experienced and part of it is knowing our God better. His love has shown me what that true joy feels like.,

Now, back to our garden. We may only have another couple weeks of summer and about the same amount of time to continue harvesting from our vegetable plants on a daily basis. The good news, even when the veggies run out and we can’t continue to share out, we have something even better to share – the love of Jesus. That’s a gift we all can give year-round! The next time you have an opportunity to give or take, consider giving – you’ll feel the effects for a long time.