Photo and Commentary ©2024 by Maylan Schurch
Sabbath, May 11, 2024

Time for another flower garden update from the family in our neighborhood who’ve devoted their whole front yard to growing flowers. Periodically, over the last couple of months, I’ve paused in the same spot and snapped a photo to document what’s happening.

What you see above is my April 11 picture. Notice the profusion of orange tulips?

But now, look at the photo below. This one is from this past Tuesday, May 7:

Kind of boring, right? No more cheery splashes of color. Should I get discouraged? Is this gardening family more clueless than I thought about their project?

If you’re a knowledgeable gardener, you are grinning at my silliness. Though the color is gone, you’re noticing that the rosebushes are becoming huge. And it won’t be long before they’ll be the stars of the show.

What we’re looking at here are the stages of growth. The tulips had their turn, and soon the roses will (and of course other flowers which I don’t remember from last year). “To everything there is a time . . . .”

To read four important Bible verses about spiritual growth, click the link just below: