Photo and Commentary ©2024 by Maylan Schurch
Friday, March 9, 2024

Earlier this week beside an antique store I noticed this rusty little tub—and the proud statement on a little metal tag near the bottom: “Easy Washer.” I should have taken the photo from a different angle, because it’s hard to make out the lever projecting through a slot near the left edge of the label. “Off” is at the top, and “On” at the bottom, and as you press down on the lever, you have to jog it to the right so it will catch in a slot to keep it down.

Up to the left is a mysterious device with a metal ball on it. I actually tried to turn this, and jiggle it, and then pull it out or push it in, but the rust has locked it into place. I have no clue about what it was used for.

But all the rust lets me know that this little washer seems to have been heavily used for awhile—but then totally abandoned, because the arrival of newer washing machines made this relic no longer as “easy” a washer.

Again and again, the Bible describes God as the provider of a better way. Humanity sins in Eden and cowers in shame—God arrives and provides animal sacrifice pointing to the death of His Son, the once-for-all sacrifice for us. Humanity desperately invents new gods to agree with their preferences and lusts—God devotes the first two of the Ten Commandments to declaring that there’s no other God but Him. Humanity lets itself hate each other—God’s Son Jesus insists that we should “love our enemies.”

God’s advice? Retire what you used to think was the “Easy Washer” and upgrade to His supernatural cleansing. The Bible verses in the link just below show how this works: