Photo and Commentary ©2024 by Maylan Schurch
Friday, July 26, 2024

I always get a heart-lift when I see community bulletin boards. This one is on the wall of the commons dining area at Lake Forest Park Town Center. You can tell how popular this mall is by how many local creatives have gotten permission to post their announcements on this board.

Some examples of what’s here: business cards from all kinds of services, a British auto show at a nearby state park, a safety day and bike rodeo for kids, the Shoreline tool library (which lends out garden and construction tools), voice lessons from a local music teacher, adult care sponsored by a local hospital, a Bible seminar, an outdoor preschool, a dog-walking service, continuing education courses from a local community college, an informational brochure on strokes, a female yogi, instruction on how to make boba tea, a youth basketball camp, an arts and crafts fair–and I’ve only just scratched the surface.

Why this explosion of creativity? In some cases to make money, I’m sure. But there are lots of regular ways to generate an income—ways that are steadier, less flashy, and more dependable.

I think that these creatives prove, by the magnificent variety of their offerings, that there is a Master Creator who gave them not only life but the longing to bring happiness to others.

And if there is such a Creator, we need to learn or review something about His vision. Check out the eight Bible verses at the link below: