Photo and Commentary ©2024 by Russell Jurgensen
Thursday, March 28, 2024

This magnolia tree put on a nice show of flowers and made it feel like clean snow when standing close to it.

I thought for a minute about what clean could mean. Maybe if we look at it like a verb it has a slightly different meaning. So, I put an exclamation on the title to help signify the imperative to clean.

What sort of things can we clean? I went to the Boeing surplus store years ago and a helpful employee showed me a surplus computer scanner. It looked terrible with all sorts of caked on dirt. But he said with a little cleaning, it will turn out like new, and the drivers could be downloaded online. So, I bought it for a great low price and took it home to clean it. Sure enough, the grime came off easily and it was a like-new scanner.

Maybe some things in our lives are like that where they seem too gross to deal with. But with a little care, effort, and strength from Jesus, they can be turned around and made much better.