Photo and Commentary ©2024 by Robert Howson
Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Intent as I was upon photographing the male Chestnut-sided Warbler that had conveniently positioned himself in front of my lens, I totally overlooked the story that was taking place right in front of my eyes. Probably twenty or thirty exposures of the warbler were taken as it flitted around the tree, only to return to its original position. Elated with my capture, it wasn’t until I returned home and looked at the images on a larger screen that I became aware of the co-star in the picture. Patiently the caterpillar inched its way along the branch, undeterred by the comings and goings of the warbler, heading towards whatever destination was on its agenda.

It would be easy to moralize about such persistence, but I’ve elected to focus instead upon the role I had to play in the encounter. Perhaps high marks might be given for not becoming distracted from my primary focal point, which is all well and good. But in so doing, did I run the risk of overlooking that which was really deserving of my attention? It’s the big picture versus the zoomed in version all over again. And isn’t that what God desires from us, a holistic approach, not just certain parts given to Him or certain parts explored? Luke 11:36 seems to carry that message: “If you are filled with light, with no dark corners, then your whole life will be radiant, as though a floodlight were filling you with light.” (NLT)

And while that may be God’s ideal for us, aren’t you glad that He provides opportunities for us to revel in the warblers of our life. What a generous Father!