Photo and Commentary ©2024 by Maylan Schurch
Friday, April 5, 2024

The other day, finding a St. Vincent De Paul thrift store in my path, I did my usual interior reconnaissance and discovered this set of bookends. As you see, two gold hands press against the covers of a couple of Bibles, and the farther apart you place the Bibles, the more books you can insert between them.

I’d never seen bookends like these before, and I like what they symbolize. I personally own lots and lots of books, but I like to think that all these volumes are kept in perspective by my love and knowledge of the Bible. If these bookends were on one of my shelves, they would quietly signal to the perceptive viewer: First comes the Bible. Every idea I read in the books between them needs to be filtered through how true the Bible considers it. And at the far end of the book-line is the Bible again, reminding me to once more measure what I’ve learned through its wisdom.

Want a quick review about what the Book of Books has to say about itself? Click the link just below: