Photo and Commentary ©2024 by Darren Milam
Wednesday, July 17, 2024

You’ve probably heard the common expression, “Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.” As we know, the meaning of this is that what one finds beautiful, another may not – it’s subjective. I, for one, am very grateful for subjectivity. Why, you ask? I’ll explain. When I think of those that live on this planet, a sinful one, (speaking for myself now) I can imagine that some wouldn’t find us beautiful at all. Riddled with sinful scars – which isn’t an attractive quality. Thankfully, we have the privilege to choose a relationship with a heavenly Father, who not only accepts us but believes we are the most beautiful thing He has ever created. Let that sink in for a bit. He thinks we are amazingly beautiful just the way we are. How lucky does that make us?

Similar to this image of a gorgeous (my opinion) light purple rose. The delicate petals. The lush green leaves. If we keep looking, we will see a blemish or two. We may even spot the prickly thorns. Honestly, this sounds a lot like us humans. We may have some great qualities (inside and out) but we also have these thorns, or sinful parts. Easily you can see that one could focus on the negative parts, basically ruling out the good parts and decide to pass altogether. Does our God do that? No way. He sees past the “thorns” in our lives and instead, sees the vibrant colors! Of course, this is all because of the sacrifices of Jesus. The ultimate sacrifice, taking away the nasty prickly parts and making us purely presentable to our King. Thank you, Jesus!

This stunning rose bush is just a short distance away from our garage, in our side garden, in beautiful Clearview, WA.