Photo and Commentary ©2023 by Maylan Schurch
Sabbath and Sunday, November 11 and 12, 2023

Once a year in this blog, I try to include a photo of the fantastic fall foliage on our church property. This is the view you see right now if you’re standing at our main foyer entrance looking north toward the parking lot.

As you can see by the orange leaves which have already shed themselves at the right edge of the photo, this blaze of beauty won’t last long. Some of the trees on our campus are evergreen and will hold their color all winter. But trees whose leaves do fall will then provide us with a view of the remarkable branch-skeletons which show their incessant reaching for life.

Now that the seasons are changing, don’t forget to feast on this transformation, and to remember the God who created this beauty. Click the link below for several Bible reminders of the Creation.