Photo and Commentary ©2024 by Maylan Schurch
Friday, June 7, 2024

Almost every day I do at least a mile-long loop around our neighborhood, and I always pass this lawn. As you can see, most of the lawn is a combination of green and bare spots, but there’s this lush rectangle (probably a trial sod installation) which contains nothing but healthy grass.

A couple of days ago as I paused to take this photo, I suddenly thought of how this healthy patch could represent the Sabbath. Whoever walks across this lawn—bunny, bird, or human—meets with a combination of healthy and unhealthy places. But when they reach the unbroken patch of grass, their feet enjoy a good stretch of supple natural carpet.

Isn’t this a bit like God’s seventh-day Sabbath, with which He concluded Creation week? Back in Eden, of course, all seven days were perfectly free from the ravages which sin would later cause. But even after the Fall, the Sabbath remained to soothe and heal those who saw its value, and to remind them of God’s promise of a new heaven and a new earth.

Want to learn—or review—the news about God’s weekly “patch of Eden”? Click the link just below: