Photo and Commentary ©2025 by Maylan Schurch
Sabbath, February 15, 2025

The other day, in a hallway in our Seventh-day Adventist high school, I paused by the poster you see above. I don’t know whether this is the office of the Spanish teacher, but the poster’s message is clear: these are important Spanish words (and English words) to be gracious citizens:

Sí. Yes! An affirmation, or a willingness to help.

No. It can be a negative word – “I disagree with what you’re saying, or what you’re trying to get me to agree to.” Or it can simply be an answer to “Is the cafeteria serving pizza today?” And it can also be a word that keeps you out of trouble if you really mean it.

Gracias. Thank you. When you use it, you’re expressing gratitude to someone who has helped you in a large or small way.

Por favor. Please. A gracious way of not demanding but requesting assistance of some kind.

De nada. (Literally, “of nothing.”) When someone tells you thank-you, it’s a self-effacing way of saying “You’re welcome.”

Words are important. Jesus thought so, and so did the Spirit-inspired Word of God. Click this link for more Words about words!