Photo and Commentary ©2024 by Maylan Schurch
Sabbath, October 5, 2024

Friday of this week I spent a bit of time at our local library fine-tuning my Sabbath sermon. I happened to be sitting a couple of tables ahead of the woman in the photo. I’ve seen her here before, sitting at this print-magnifier device. Anything you place on the table below the lens is projected clearly and brightly onto the screen. This time she’d set her smartphone on the table, and on the screen you see what seems to be an e-book involving two characters from ancient Egypt, who are watching a fire burn. This woman, who must be vision-impaired, is able to read every projected word.

This made me think of the Bible. Did you know that it contains something like 730,000 words, about the length of 8 to 10 thick modern novels? Its style is different enough from 21st century literature that it can be intimidating.

However, I’ve found that if I slow down, and focus paragraph by paragraph, Scripture becomes more comfortable and exciting to read. Some Bibles are printed in a large font, and of course the font can be enlarged if you’re using a computer or iPad or smartphone.

And here’s another “plus” which the projected Egyptian novel doesn’t have—the Holy Spirit. The Spirit inspired all the Bible words, and He can help us understand them if we’re patient. He’s truly a “Bible magnifier.”

Want to learn or review the facts about the Holy Bible? Click the link just below: