Photo and Commentary ©2024 by Shelley Schurch
Sunday, September 15, 2024

Haven’t you found that it’s an honor to honor someone? That’s how it always seems to me, and that’s how it was yesterday, when we had the privilege and pleasure of honoring our dear friend Marion on the occasion of her 90th birthday.

She didn’t want any fuss, so it took a fair amount of persuasion before she agreed to let us, during our worship service, highlight her years of service to her church and community. I think the turning point came when we told her this would be an opportunity for her to shine the light on the Lord she loves.

And so she did, sharing her “lost and found” journey, when the Lord rescued her in a time of great confusion and darkness. She was living these Bible verses:

For he has rescued us from the dominion of darkness and brought us into the kingdom of the Son he loves, in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins.
(Colossians 1:13-14 NIV)

He brought me out into a spacious place; he rescued me because he delighted in me.
(Psalm 18:19 NIV)

As I thought about Marion’s words of encouragement for us to trust completely in the Lord who has rescued us, I remembered a photo I’d taken last week, the one you see above. My eye was caught by this tremendous tangle of roots. It looks like my life has felt at times – a bit chaotic, with no seeming pattern or plan.

But the tree is standing tall, and growing green and flourishing, because there are roots unseen, anchoring and nurturing the growth from underground.

Marion’s life has seen plenty of challenges during her 90 years, but she has sunk her roots deep down in a love that is deeper still. As a result, she can testify to a God who has been with her every step of her pilgrim way.

One of the ways her congregation thanked her was with this gift of 90 roses, beautifully arranged by her longtime friend Denise. (Yes, there are 90 – it’s a full, 360° arrangement, so you’d have to walk all the way around it to admire and count all 90!)

Because Marion has sunk her roots deep in a loving relationship with the Lord, her life has blossomed beautifully. When we honor her, we honor the Lord who delights in her.

As we step out into this brand-new week, may we sink our roots even deeper in the Lord’s love, letting Him nourish us and make us flourish for Him.