Photo and Commentary ©2024 by Cheryl Boardman
Monday, June 17, 2024

I love this quote from Ralph Waldo Emerson: “The earth laughs in flowers.” I think flowers are just beautiful and cheerful, whether you are seeing the whole landscape covered with them or whether you come across just one where you are least expecting to find one.

I was driving on an overcast day a couple of weeks ago and pulled into a rest area to see what wildflowers were blooming in the area. Although I encountered some rain on the trip, it wasn’t raining here at this time but it was obvious, with the lush grass and thriving plants, that this area had received quite a bit of rain this spring. I found this wild columbine blooming in a ditch.

I had already passed quite a few varieties of wildflowers on the trip by this time but I was glad to see the columbines. I had been looking for them on the west side of Stevens Pass the last time I went through but I think it was too early for that altitude.

Sing out your thanks to the LORD;
sing praises to our God with a harp.
He covers the heavens with clouds,
provides rain for the earth,
and makes the grass grow in mountain pastures.
He gives food to the wild animals
and feeds the young ravens when they cry.
Psalm 147:7-9 (NLT)