Photo and Commentary ©2024 by Darren Milam
Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Recently we had our daughter’s family visiting from out of town. That meant we had the opportunity to hang out with our grandkids, which is always a highlight. On Sabbath, we loaded both cars and were headed to church, when our daughter had a seizure. Fortunately, it was minor and only lasted a couple of minutes. We returned home, as we weren’t far away when it happened. The decision was made that most of us would stay home, so she could rest and recover. My wife, however, had the duty of leading the praise team and needed to head to church on her own.

With the power of technology, we were able to view the service from home (thanks Patrick and A/V crew). This image is of my grandson staring at the television. Prior to the image being captured, I asked him, “Where is grandma?” He looked around the room and didn’t see her. I then pointed to the TV, and he ran over and said, “Grandma!” and then he said, “Come home.” He eventually came to grips with the fact that grandma was going to be on the TV for a little longer and enjoyed seeing her on the big screen. It was second best to having her in the room, live.

That moment reminded me of how we currently don’t have the opportunity to see our God in-person. That’s the bad news. The good news, however, is we have the promise of experiencing that in-person time, soon. For now, the second best is our daily interaction and the relationship we have with Him. Thankfully, we have a direct line to Him through prayer. In addition to that direct, 24/7, connection, Jesus’ selfless act of sacrifice provides us with the chance to live in our Creator’s presence one day. Just like my grandson asking grandma to come home, we too can look forward to being at HOME with our loving Father. We will no longer need to settle for second best, as we will be with Him, live, in-person. I cannot wait for that day, how about you?