Photo and Commentary ©2024 by Maylan Schurch
Sabbath, May 18, 2024

In late April, on my usual post-breakfast walking route, I saw what may have been another bit of breakfast on a sidewalk. I’m not sure if that’s a piece of boiled carrot or sweet potato, or possibly a segment of hot dog, but I’m wondering about the sequence of events which led up to its presence.

I mean, obviously someone was in the middle of chowing down on whatever it is. But normally you don’t spear your food item with a plastic fork unless you’re either inside a house or out at a picnic. And normally, once a morsel of food is on the fork, its destination is seconds away from a waiting mouth.

So, what happened?

Who knows? But as I gazed at this interrupted meal, I was irresistibly reminded of what’s called “the secret rapture.” A number of dispensationalist Christian denominations believe that one of these days—and it might be soon—Jesus will secretly and invisibly arrive in the skies, and everybody who’s saved will vanish, swept up to join Him. And if the saved person happens to be eating, or driving a car, or piloting a plane, or anything else, they’re gone. And their clothing and shoes flop down onto the ground, uninhabited.

Okay. Is that true or not? A whole lot of people think it is, and another whole lot of people believe Jesus’ return will be very different.

The only solution to this dilemma is to read what real Bible verses clearly say about the Second Coming. Interested? Here’s a complete set of Scripture passages on that very topic (just Bible, no spin). Take a few moments to review them. (And relax and enjoy your food!)