Photo and Commentary ©2024 by Robert Howson
Tuesday, May 7, 2024

There are some things that just don’t fit together; they are polar opposites in our thinking – things like black and white, and Doctor Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. This was the way of thinking for Augustine of Hippo who in the fifth century wrote The City of God which allegorically plotted Jerusalem in contrast with the secularism of the day. Interestingly, the prophet Ezekiel, writing approximately 1000 years before this, painted Jerusalem in almost opposite colors: “You dragged your beauty through the mud. You offered yourself to everyone who came by, and you were more of a prostitute every day.” (Ezekiel 16:25 Good News Translation) Both of these have valid points to make and they both agree that that which is beautiful should not be defiled by dragging it through the mud.

An illustration of this was played out in the natural world for me to see. I know, this striking Prothonotary Warbler was simply coming in for a drink, but I couldn’t help thinking to myself, “Why does he have to choose muddy water, isn’t there a crystal clear stream somewhere nearby?” The contrast was just too obvious — the immaculate plumage and the mud. I had visions of a visiting family, complete with toddler, invited home for an after-church-dinner taking place in the household dining room, complete with wall to wall white carpeting. And cranberry juice was the drink being served. Not good!

Ezekiel, Augustine, and the carpet cleaning man all had it right. We must take care not to let ourselves become damaged by that which brings ruin.