Photo (c)2023 by Chelsea Jurgensen
Commentary (c)2023 by Russell Jurgensen

In the horse barn at Sunset Lake Youth Camp, Chelsea came across this scene and had to get a picture. What happened to cause those wet human footprints in the middle of the barn floor? They seem to originate from thin air from soaking wet feet and disappear into the bucket. So where did the wet feet come from?

After snapping the picture, Chelsea jokingly asked around if anyone knew what happened. Another horse wrangler said it was her. She got hot and stood in the bucket to cool down. Then she set the bucket over to the side. Ah, mystery solved.

This scene also reminds me about a verse in the Bible.

Enoch walked faithfully with God; then he was no more, because God took him away.
Genesis 5:24

It seems good to think about walking with God. It would be great if we could see God’s footprints walking during the challenging parts of our lives. But as we walk, we can trust that God is there with us.