– February 22, 2025
TONIGHT: Please join Puget Sound Adventist Academy this Saturday night, February 22, at 6:30 pm for a night of music and entertainment while enjoying dinner. This fundraising event will help our students make their way to California for their tour this spring. Tickets are $15 each or $40 for a family of 4+ and will be available at the door.
FIRESIDE BIBLE STUDY: The Sabbath afternoon Bible study & prayer time will meet at 2:00 p.m. in the Fireside Room, March 1.
POTLUCK NEXT SABBATH: Plan to join us in the Fellowship Hall next Sabbath after the service for potluck lunch.
CONGRATULATIONS! Both Pathfinder Bible Experience Teams from the Sojourners are advancing to the North Pacific Union Level. Please continue to pray for them as they study and memorize the books of Romans and 1 Corinthians. They will be in Portland Oregon on March 8 to see if they can advance to the North American Division Level.
JOIN THE PLAN! If you’d like to read the Bible chronologically in 2025, this coming week’s chapters are Leviticus 26-27 and Numbers 1-15. To see the entire schedule, go to bellevueadventist.org, click Home, then Chronological Bible Reading Plan.
INTERNATIONAL FOOD FAIR: Kirkland SDA School’s International Food Fair is approaching quickly. Please set aside Saturday night March 1st from 6:00 – 8:00 pm for some of the best international food around! Sales from this fair will provide tuition assistance for many of our students.
PIZZA DINNER FUNDRAISER: The Sojourners Pathfinder Club is preparing for their annual Pizza Dinner Fundraiser on March 16. For more information, follow this link. Please sign up at http://sojournersonline.org or RSVP to Rich Wong: 425-268-1120 or richard.k.wong66@gmail.com
HEALTH MINISTRIES EVENT: We will be hosting the Made 2 Move 4 Jesus (M2M4J) Fitness Test on Sunday, March 30 from 9:30 a.m. to noon. More information is available in the foyer or click the link. You can find links to videos of the activities included on the test and more information.
VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL: Mark your calendars for “Mountain of Miracles” VBS this June 23-27! Through stories about Elijah, kids will learn that “God’s love is rock solid”! The sign-up sheet for helpers is coming. In the meantime, please be praying about how you might be able to serve.
DO YOU LIKE FRESH SOURDOUGH BREAD? Do you like the crisp crust contrasting with the moist and tender center? If so, you are in luck. The Sojourner Pathfinder club is selling Sojourner Sourdough. Each loaf is hand-made with the highest quality ingredients and is on sale for $7 for a 30-ounce loaf. All proceeds support the Pathfinder International’s Camporee in Gillette, Wyoming in 2029. To place an order or if you have any questions, please contact Rich Wong via e-mail at richard.k.wong66@gmail.com or text at 425-268-1120.
JUBILEE REACH VOLUNTEERS: “Jubilee REACH Saturday Market” is a food program for families in need at the Jubilee REACH Community Center. Volunteers are needed on the second and third Sabbaths of each month to run the market and build relationships with the families and show them the love of Jesus. Spanish speakers are especially helpful but ALL are welcome. To volunteer, please complete the signup sheet in the foyer of the church or contact Susan Milam or Annicia Gayle-Geddes.
Announcements: Maylan Schurch
Prelude: Jane Ye
Introit/Call to Worship: Jane Ye
Strength 4 the Week: Davis Nordby
Offering: “Washington conference: Education –
Daniel Muñoz
Offertory: Jane Ye
Praise Team: Sarah Roberto and Friends
Scripture: “Our Atoning Judge” -Responsive Reading #778
Celebrations and Concerns/Prayer:
Daniel Muñoz
Children’s Corner: Susan Milam
Special Music: Adriana Hilerio
Sermon: “Why Leviticus?” – Maylan Schurch
Closing Song: “Jesus, in Thee Our Eyes Behold” – Words on Screen
Postlude: Jane Ye