April 5, 2025
Have you had a chance to spend quality time with Jesus during the week? Do you feel that your mind is filling up quickly with ever-changing political, financial, environmental, and social events fed by the media every week? The greater the volume of worldly information our mind receives, the mightier God’s words become to keep serenity and peace in our minds! Spending time with God’s words together with brothers and sisters in Christ will expand and fortify your mind shield for the coming week. The Bible study discussion will start at 2:00 p.m. Plan on joining us for potluck lunch after the Church Service.
April 25-27, 2025
Make Heaven Crowded
NPUC Women’s Ministries Leadership Summit
April 25-27, 2025 (Friday evening – Sunday noon)
Sunset Lake Camp and Retreat Center
The point and the purpose:
“Women’s ministry can be a major force for Jesus. The NPUC Women’s Ministries Leadership Summit will help you and the women in your church get organized to be strategic and evangelistic among your spheres of influence.”
Don’t let the words “Leadership Summit” scare you away! This gathering is for any and all women who have a heart for helping and befriending other women. This world can be a lonely place, but we can make a difference.
Ruth Lemus and Shelley Schurch, Bellevue SDA Church’s Women’s Ministries co-leaders, invite you to join them for an inspiring and equipping weekend.
You can register for either the days only (full weekend), or with accommodations in a shared cabin (full weekend).
Go to the link below for full details and to register:
May 4, 2025
The Garden of Eating class will meet Sunday morning, at 11:00 a.m. on May 4. This session will be led by Cesia Munoz. Watch for more information.
June 23-27, 2025
VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL: Mark your calendars for “Mountain of Miracles” VBS this June 23-27! Through stories about Elijah, kids will learn that “God’s love is rock solid”! The sign-up sheet for helpers is coming. In the meantime, please be praying about how you might be able to serve.
DO YOU LIKE FRESH SOURDOUGH BREAD? Do you like the crisp crust contrasting with the moist and tender center? If so, you are in luck. The Sojourner Pathfinder club is selling Sojourner Sourdough. Each loaf is hand-made with the highest quality ingredients and is on sale for $7 for a 30 ounce loaf. All proceeds support the Pathfinder International’s Camporee in Gillette, Wyoming in 2029. To place an order or if you have any questions, please contact Rich Wong via e-mail at or text at 425-268-1120.