Sabbath Services and Other Activities


Here at Bellevue, we try to provide a complete church experience, where Bible study and fellowship blend with heartfelt worship to raise both mind and spirit into communion with God.

Bible Study: Saturday 9:30–10:45 a.m.

Worship Service: Saturday 11:00-12:15 p.m.

Fellowship Potluck Dinner: The first and third Saturdays of the month, right after the worship service.

Children’s and Young People’s Classes

Beginners (ages birth – 3): Beginners are growing fast, learning to use and control their own bodies, and already forming life habits by imitating others. In this class, teachers introduce your child to Jesus through cheerful interactive songs, hands-on activities, and object lessons.

Kindergarten (ages 4 – 5): Kindergarteners are active and energetic, talkative, and are learning to sing. They are concrete, realistic thinkers—symbols don’t mean much yet. In this class, teachers strengthen knowledge of Jesus through action, singing, Bible verses, and character-building stories.

Primary (ages 6 – 9): Primary kids are at a delightful age, at the entrance to the world of knowledge, full of curiosity, and eager to learn. They’re friendly and sympathetic, confident and anxious to please, helpful, and eager to be a part of the action. In this class, teachers remember that for Primaries, “thinking is doing.” Through Bible stories, cheerful songs, and interesting activities, teachers try to inspire the imagination with a sense of how real Jesus and other Bible characters were.

Junior (age 10 – grade 6) and Earliteen (grade 7 – 8): Juniors are exuberant, energetic, thinking, funny, independent, creative, sociable, and so much more! Teachers recognize that most young people make a lifelong decision for Christ at this age, and they meet the challenge by sharing Bible stories about Jesus and others which show real people in action for God—and by giving opportunities to serve others in really practical ways.

Youth (grades 9 – 12):  Earliteens and Youth are entering years of transition, where life’s realities sometimes seem intimidating. Teachers provide thoughtful, contemporary sing-along music and relevant Bible lessons carefully designed to discuss issues in a Christian context.


Adult Bible Study Options

We have several different Adult Sabbath School that meet each Sabbath in different rooms at our church. See below where each Sabbath School class meets.

Adult Class (Sanctuary): Studies from the Adult Sabbath School Bible Study Guide (current and archived guides can be found at

Adult Spanish Class (Fireside Room): Studies from the Adult Sabbath School Bible Study Guide (current and archived guides can be found at

Adult Class (Fellowship Hall): Studies from the Adult Sabbath School Bible Study Guide (current and archived guides can be found at

Adult Class (Mother’s Room): Studying “Fruits of the Spirit”

Adult Class (Shelley’s Class): Studying “Genesis”



Other Activities

Clothing Bank
Our clothing bank is our attempt to fill one of the many needs of our local community. Staffed by Community Service volunteers, it offers free clothing and small household items to anyone in need. We also maintain a food cupboard for emergencies.

Hours: We are open to serve clients from 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. every Wednesday.

Donations: We gladly accept clean donations in good repair on Wednesday mornings while we are open. If you need to drop off donations at other times, we encourage you to make arrangements by calling the church secretary at 425-746-1763 or emailing at

Volunteers: If you would like to be a part of this helping ministry, we can always use you. Jobs range from sorting and preparing clothing to meeting and aiding clients.

Pathfinders, a scout-style Christian youth organization sponsored by the Seventh-day Adventist Church, celebrates more than 50 years of serving our youth. It encourages mental, physical, and spiritual growth in boys and girls ages 10-15. As they earn honor badges in various skills such as camping, backpacking, hiking, and a host of other areas, these young people learn to be better citizens of this world and the world to come—and better friends of their Creator. Find more at:

Vacation Bible School
Every summer (June or July), we offer a week-long Vacation Bible School (VBS) to children of both our church and our community. These are lively yet well-organized programs produced by Group Publishing. We normally draw 120 to 130 children each year.

***The Bellevue church has established a no-attendance policy for registered sex offenders, which includes all church-sponsored events.***