Bare-throated Tiger-Heron

Photo and Commentary ©2022 by Robert Howson Tuesday, October 4, 2022 With a name like Bare-throated Tiger-Heron you might not be exactly sure what to expect. But just like most others in the family it feeds on fish, frogs, crabs, and whatever else might swim, fly, or...

How to Spot Misinformation

Here’s something I’ve been worrying about for a long time, and even more so in recent months. Much as we’d all like to believe otherwise, more and more people are becoming frozen by fear–fear of conspiracy, fear of “fake news,” fear...

Attitude is Key

I’ve worked fulltime ever since I was 16, including six eight-hour night shifts a week while going to college in the daytime. What I quickly discovered in those workplaces is that my attitude could be shaped by the people I spent time with. Naturally, in any job...

It’s Who Gets To You First

In my last blog I talked about presuppositions–the preconceived ideas we have which often powerfully affect how correctly we think. But there’s a deadly secret about our presuppositions, and it’s this: Whoever gets to give us our ideas first has the...

The Presupposition Puzzle

When you were a kid, what foods did you detest? For me, some of these were cauliflower, cabbage and spinach. But I think the reason I hated those foods at that point, and wouldn’t even try them unless pressured, was presuppositions.  A presupposition is a...

The Danger of “Distrust Overload”

The other day I heard a rather chilling radio interview. Two people were talking about how a lot of false information is being deliberately created, posted, and re-tweeted. One person said–and I’m paraphrasing–“What’s really dangerous is...